
Signups Page

In addition to the leaderboard, each challenge has a list of all signups. This includes the user’s name at the registration time, their rules agreement, and if they completed any challenges.

This page allows teams to compile a winner list by providing the following data quickly:

  • Signup ID: Unique ID of the signup
  • User ID: The system user ID for this user
  • Name: The provided name (prompts the user for first name, last initial)
  • Rules Agreement: If there were rules for this challenge, this corresponds to the user checking the “I agree” rules checkbox
  • Winner: Did the user complete ANY level in the challenge. For details on level by level, see the challenge details page.
  • Created At: A timestamp of when the signup record was created.

Accessing the Signups Page

The signups page isn’t linked from within the app, but it is located under the leaderboard. So if you navigate to the leaderboard, and then add /signups to the URL, you’ll get the sign up page.

For example, the URL for challenge #4 would be

Plain Text Version

For a plain text version of the signup list with only those who have completed levels, you can run something like:

    curl -s | \
    jq '.[] | select(.levels_completed?) | .lastname_fi ' | \
    sed -ne 's/.*/- &/p' | tr -d '"' | \

For Developers

These records are stored in the signups table.


If you’d like to contribute to this page, we’d greatly accept your merge requests! 🥰